21 de juliol del 2015

Sam Mendes reflexiona sobre Spectre tras concluir el rodaje

Tras 128 días de filmación repartidos a lo largo de siete meses, Sam Mendes puso fin al rodaje de Spectre el pasado 5 de julio. Inmerso ya en la fase de montaje y post-producción con vistas al estreno de la película a finales de octubre, Mendes realizó una entrevista en la BBC Radio donde valora lo que ha supuesto este exigente film y anuncia que esta ha sido su última incursión en la saga Bond. Dijo lo mismo después de finalizar Skyfall y se acabó embarcando en Spectre por la fuerza del nuevo argumento y la influencia ejercida por Daniel Craig. En el contexto cinematográfico actual es difícil poder contar con el mismo director en más de dos entregas de cualquier franquicia. Si además, el realizador en cuestión es Sam Mendes, considerado uno de los directores de cine y teatro más brillantes del panorama actual, es más que lógica la decisión de finalizar esta etapa teniendo en cuenta que el trabajo en las dos películas le ha llevado cinco años y ha impedido que pudiera dedicarse a la dirección teatral de varios proyectos de la escena londinense.

Al mismo tiempo, Mendes augura un nuevo film de la saga que puede volver a romper barreras de brillantez en la franquicia. Actualmente, en las salas de montaje de Pinewood Studios, Mendes y el montador Lee Smith están dando unidad a la película mientras la extensa partitura compuesta por Thomas Newman empieza a integrarse en el metraje. Pronto sabremos qué cantante interpretará el tema principal.

"[SPECTRE] is a bigger movie than 'Skyfall'. When we were up for a BAFTA last time I counted the cast and crew as I wanted to accept it on behalf of everybody. I counted them up myself and there was over a thousand and you really do feel it. [SPECTRE] is shot in more places. We were in Mexico City, Tangiers, the Northern Sahara, Rome, The Alps, and London. We shut down great sections of London. Anyone whose evening was ruined because of the traffic around Westminster Bridge over the last few weeks, I apologise to them. But it's been an enormous undertaking. One of the most rewarding moments for a film director is when you finally finish shooting."
"It kind of starts all over again when you're editing. You really direct the movie four times: when it's being written, when it's being cast and prepped, when it's being shot and then when it's being edited and music is being added. That fourth stage is just beginning. If you're any good as a director you want to be all over every department and you want to be influencing everything. It's your film and your vision. Unlike the theatre, where I learnt a lot of my craft, I don't think theatre is a director's medium, whereas film is. You can pretty much blame the director if you're having a bad evening at the cinema because it does fall on his shoulders."
"I made the movie I wanted to see [for Skyfall] and I think I've done the same thing this time [for SPECTRE]. I hope I've done the same thing this time, although it really is just emerging out of the mists - the way that it does in the editing period. In terms of the story, it's pretty much set out. But as any director will tell you, how you tell the story is everything and the story by itself is not enough. I spend a long, long period with the music for the movie and there will be over 100 minutes of music for this movie. That's a lot of music. There is a lot of visual effects and a lot of sound work. There are any number of ways to mess your film up, even at this late stage, however good the story is. You have to stay completely focused and it is somewhat like rebooting and starting again at this stage. For me, editing is the most pleasurable piece as you've done all the hard work and it's down to the story-telling."
"For me, the Bond franchise as a whole has been a wonderful unexpected gift at this point in my life. it's not just the making of the film, it's the relationship you have with an audience and the dialog you have with the process from the beginning to the end. You have to embrace the fact that everything you do is going to be reviewed and debated from the title to the music to the casting to the trailer... "
"I'm happiest rehearsing a play or editing a movie, and I think that when I've finished a movie I generally want to be back in a theatre environment again. It feels like home, it feels controllable after the chaos of a movie set. But it won't be long before I want to do another film, and I'm very, very fortunate to be able to go back and forth between the two."
"I said 'No' to the last one and then ended up doing it and was pilloried by all my friends, including [former England cricket captain] Michael Atherton who took great pleasure in reminding me that I said no to the last one and ended up doing it. But I do think this is probably it. I think five years for the two movies... It feels now almost, even though we've only just finished shooting it, like one big experience. It was a fantastic life-changing thing, but I don't think I could go down that road again. It's more a lifestyle choice than a job. You do have to put everything else on hold."